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NEPC Review: Public Education at a Crossroads: A Comprehensive Look at K-12 Resources and Outcomes (Reason Foundation, February 2024)

A Reason Foundation report uses some superficial comparisons to conclude that there isn’t a consistent relationship between funding growth and outcomes across states. The report contends that, in order to move forward in the aftermath of the pandemic, it is important to understand key pre-pandemic trends, but it offers no arguments as to how those trends provide appropriate context for post-pandemic educational policy. The report is insubstantial and inconclusive and offers no useful new analyses; in fact, it reprises evidence that is already widely available. It does not account for any economic, social, or demographic trends within states or nationally. Its analysis is weak and in some cases nonexistent, resulting in vacuous conclusions.

Suggested Citation: Belfield, C. (2024). NEPC review: Public education at a crossroads: A comprehensive look at K-12 resources and outcomes. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved [date], from

Document Reviewed:

Public Education at a Crossroads: A Comprehensive Look at K-12 Resources and Outcomes

Aaron Garth Smith, Christian Barnard, & Jordan Campbell
Reason Foundation